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2021-07-29 EUROBIO LAB company was awarded with certificate - STRONGEST IN ESTONIA 2021

The international credit information company AS Creditinfo Eesti awarded a certificate EUROBIO LAB company as „STRONGEST IN ESTONIA 2021“ what means that Eurobio Lab has contributed to the development of the Estonian economy, honest business culture and based on economic data for 2020 has achieved the rating „EXCELLENT“. Only 0,3% of Estonian companies can claim excellent A-group rating.

More over than 16 years, AS Creditinfo Eesti has been recognizing good Estonian companies with the “STRONGEST ESTONIAN COMPANY” certificate, whose financial condition is excellent (AAA), very good (AA) or good (A) according to the Creditinfo Rating.

A high credit rating indicates the company's exemplary economic situation, good financial results and correct payment behavior.


The Eurobio Lab company 7 years on estonian market is engaged in the production of natural and organic cosmetics for womens, mens and for babies.

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